Tourism News October 25, 2022

Nominated for 'World's Leading Tour Operator Website' Award at WTA 2020

Bravo Indochina Tours is once again honored to be nominated for the "World's Leading Tour Operator" award in 2020 at the World Travel Awards - World Travel Awards (WTA).
Digital transformation tourism: The inevitable trend of modern flows
Travel Trends | October 08, 2020

Digital transformation tourism: The inevitable trend of modern flows

The outbreak of COVID-19 also created many new tourism trends, in which digital tourism was considered a suitable direction for the current context.
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Emerging tourism trends in Vietnam
Travel Trends | October 08, 2020

Emerging tourism trends in Vietnam

New types of travel such as solo travel, green tourism or self-driving car travel are forecasted to be popular tourism trends in Vietnam in the coming time.
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Trends in tourism destinations after the pandemic: Safety and Convenience
Travel Trends | July 22, 2020

Trends in tourism destinations after the pandemic: Safety and Convenience

The COVID-19 pandemic happened, which seriously affected the global tourism industry. But from a positive perspective, what happened during the epidemic has made tourism trends change towards safer, more convenient and smarter.
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How will travel trends change after Covid-19?
Travel Trends | July 22, 2020

How will travel trends change after Covid-19?

Tourism is the first industry to fall into a state of epidemic paralysis, but also one of the industries that are forecast to recover first. However, the trauma of the epidemic will also create new trends that will change this smokeless business.
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Going Back in Time With the Complex of Hue Monuments
Vietnamese Heritage | October 26, 2022

Going Back in Time With the Complex of Hue Monuments

Hue city with its poetic, charming natural scenery mixed with a bit of antiquity of ancient architectural works, all of which have attracted tourists every time they come to Hue. Try once to set foot in Hue Ancient Capital to learn about famous landmarks here and learn more about the history of the Nguyen Dynasty. So what are you waiting for without joining Dat Viet Tour to discover the attractive destinations of the ancient capital in this article.
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VietISO signed a cooperation agreement with the Tay Bac Development Center
Vietnamese Heritage | October 19, 2022

VietISO signed a cooperation agreement with the Tay Bac Development Center

On the afternoon of June 4, 2022, Tay Bac Tourism Development Center and VietISO Joint Stock Company signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation and apply digital transformation solutions to exploit the potential and develop tourism in the Northwest area.
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Gongs in the Central Highlands - Cultural masterpiece of the people
Vietnamese Heritage | October 09, 2020

Gongs in the Central Highlands - Cultural masterpiece of the people

On November 25, 2005, the Central Highlands Gong Culture of Vietnam was officially recognized by UNESCO as an intangible and oral cultural masterpiece of mankind. After the Hue Court Music, Tay Nguyen Gongs are Vietnam's second intangible cultural heritage honored as the world's heritage.
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Hoi An Ancient Town - The beauty of time stops
Vietnamese Heritage | October 08, 2020

Hoi An Ancient Town - The beauty of time stops

Hoi An - where life is so calm. Hoi An - where it seems that the involuntary flow of time cannot bury the ancient atmosphere. The old tiled roofs covered with moss, the streets filled with red lanterns, the delicately carved panels are all bringing us back to the world of a few hundred years ago. That is just a simple part of Hoi An ancient town, but it is enough to make people fall in love and forget the way home.
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Top 10 most famous tourist attractions in Da Nang
Tourguide | October 27, 2022

Top 10 most famous tourist attractions in Da Nang

As “the most livable city in Vietnam”, Da Nang welcomes a huge number of domestic and international tourists every year. The places to visit, check-in also appear a lot - not only diverse topics but also provide thoughtful services, reasonable prices. Let's explore the top 10 most attractive destinations in Da Nang!
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Hanoi Old Quarter of 36 Iconic Streets
Tourguide | October 26, 2022

Hanoi Old Quarter of 36 Iconic Streets

Hanoi Old Quarter is one of the oldest continuously developed areas in Vietnam that has gone through a history of 2000 years. Situated near the Lake of Restored Sword and Long Bien Bridge. Used to be a former citadel wall, the Old Quarter became more well-known as a crafts area when King Ly Thai To decided to move the capital from Hoa Lu to Hanoi in the 11th century. Later, the area turned into a village for Hanoi local people with a round structure with thousands of houses on stilts. In the 13th century, some tiny workshop villages gathered into craft cooperatives. Skilled craftsmen moved to the Quarter and performed similar services. They lived and worked together to transform private merchandise to the designated streets.
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The charming beauty of the dream city - Da Lat
Tourguide | October 26, 2022

The charming beauty of the dream city - Da Lat

The nature and people of Da Lat enter into poetry, pictures, art and people's hearts.
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The magnificent scenery in Sapa
Tourguide | October 26, 2022

The magnificent scenery in Sapa

Sapa is a peaceful town in the highlands but hides many wonders of the natural scenery. The natural landscape of Sa Pa is combined with the creativity of people along with the topography of mountains and hills, the green of the forest, like a picture arranged in a harmonious layout to create a beautiful land. beautiful with poetic scenery. Let's find out the beautiful scenes in Sapa that attract tourists.
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Medical guide for passengers entering Vietnam by air
CoVid-19 | October 09, 2020

Medical guide for passengers entering Vietnam by air

The Ministry of Transport has sent an express document to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam and relevant authorities about medical instructions for passengers on international flights that will be reopened in the coming days,
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Ensure the quarantine facility meets the requirements of the person entering the country
CoVid-19 | October 09, 2020

Ensure the quarantine facility meets the requirements of the person entering the country

Strengthening the arrangement of fee-for-charge isolation facilities to meet the requirements of inbound residents, irrespective of foreigners and Vietnamese, to supplement the domestic reception capacity, and reduce the load for the isolators of army.
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When forgetting to wear a mask, what should be done to prevent epidemic?
CoVid-19 | October 09, 2020

When forgetting to wear a mask, what should be done to prevent epidemic?

Currently, wearing a mask is recommended as one of the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. On the market, there are many types of masks (medical, cloth, 3M ...), people need to know the effects of disease prevention when wearing these masks.
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9 subjects are susceptible to COVID -19 attacks
CoVid-19 | October 09, 2020

9 subjects are susceptible to COVID -19 attacks - The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has put together a list of people most at risk, vulnerable to COVID-19 due to pre-existing diseases, often called a history of illness, or background, of non-communicable disease.
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